Silverstone Festival 2024
The Sporting Bears were once again delighted to be invited to the 3-day Silverstone Classic meeting over the Bank holiday.
They fielded over 30 cars ranging from an Aston Martin Mk3 from the 1950s through to a much more modern McLaren 570 supercar.
Members of the public were able to take a ten mile passenger ride through the Northamptonshire countryside in return for a donation - 100% of which was then given to the Caldwell Children Charity.
Despite the weather being changeable over the weekend, a steady stream of donations came in and we raised a wonderful £5,950 for the charity.
Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was a comment from two parents noticing how happy their teenager looked after returning from a ride in the McLaren on Saturday. We put smiles on people's faces by putting them in cars they may rarely see and can only dream about - hence the name 'Dream Rides'.
Every car got at least one passenger ride over the weekend, but despite strong challenges from the Ariel Atom, AC Cobra and the Chevy Camaro, the most popular car over the weekend was a Ferrari.
We now look forward to our next event, Petrolheadonism at Knebworth at the end of September (please see the Upcoming Events section). See you there.